Replacement Cushion for Fisher and Paykel Eson Nasal CPAP Mask
With RollFit technology, Fisher and Paykel improves the seal and comfort of your Eson Nasal CPAP Mask. By rolling on the bridge of your nose during CPAP therapy, the Eson will allow for an enhanced freedom of movement so that you can change positions frequently during CPAP therapy without experiencing mask drag on your face, or having negative effects on the seal around your nose. This replacement cushion will allow you to extend the life span of your Eson Nasal CPAP Mask without requiring you to purchase a brand new mask.
Three Different Sizes
You can purchase the cushion in either the small, medium, or large size. The medium and large sized cushions will fit with the same size of headgear, but the small will require the small headgear. If you are attempting to change cushion sizes to better increase your comfort or the seal, you need to know what size of mask you purchased originally so that we can ensure that the new cushion size will fit with your headgear.
The mask rolls on the bridge of your nose increasing the comfort and the performance while undergoing CPAP therapy. The rolling technology allows for a better seal reducing or eliminating leaks, while also allowing for you to move during use without experiencing any type of mask drag or breaking the seal.