The new Nuance Nasal Pillow CPAP mask brings the comfort of Respironics gel material to the nasal pillow market. The signature gel now forms these comfortable nasal pillows, allowing a greater range of sizes and the softness you desire. Lightweight headgear comes with a gel lined and fabric lined option so you can choose which suits you best. The frame, fitting around the edge of the face, features a minimalist design to help reduce unwanted pressure points and offer a clear field of vision. The lightweight and sleek design are sure to offer any user a comfortable night’s sleep.
- The very first gel pillows mask available!
- Fabric or Gel Frame allows a choice of comfort and style
- Small, Medium and Large pillow cushions to ensure the right fit
- A headgear that stays in place during therapy
- Lightweight yet durable and compliant driven results
- Simple use along with a simplistic design
- CPAP Mask
- Headgear
- 3 sizes of nasal pillows
- Pillow sizes included: Small, Medium, Large