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5 Benefits of Getting Quality Sleep

For some people, the idea of actually feeling rested and refreshed when they wake up in the morning feels like an unattainable goal. While this may only be a temporary problem for some (like parents of a fussy newborn), those with sleep apnea and other sleep disorders may never feel like they get enough rest.

This doesn’t just leave you feeling a little tired and irritable the next day. The constant interruptions caused by sleep apnea keep you from entering the restorative stages of the sleep cycle. Even if you are in bed for the recommended seven to nine hours a night, you may not actually be getting enough sleep to truly recharge and recover.

The benefits of quality sleep cannot be understated. When you actively address your sleep apnea, you regain these important benefits that impact your entire well-being.

1. Improved Mood

woman in blue denim jacket holding clear drinking glass

It’s no secret that poor sleep can leave you feeling cranky and irritable. But there is actually science behind why your mood improves when you get enough rest. While you sleep, your brain helps you process emotions and experiences from the prior day. This helps you learn how to react appropriately to different situations.

By getting enough sleep, you actually help yourself have more positive reactions and fewer negative reactions to the events of the day. On the opposite end of the spectrum, those who don’t get enough sleep due to insomnia or other sleep disorders are much more likely to develop anxiety or depression.

2. Better Heart Health

During sleep, your blood pressure naturally goes down. Sleep actually provides an opportunity for your blood vessels and heart to rest a bit, since you are less active. When you stay awake, your blood pressure remains elevated. Worse yet, your body will begin to produce more of the stress hormone cortisol, which also makes your heart put in more work.

By getting enough rest, you will reduce your risk for serious conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. When combined with a healthy diet and exercise, getting a good night’s sleep is a surefire way to improve your heart health.

3. Boost Your Immune System

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When you get enough sleep, you also enhance your body’s natural ability to fight off disease and illness. During sleep, your body’s immune cells and proteins get much-needed rest that enables them to quickly and effectively attack harmful bacteria and viruses. On the other hand, if you don’t get enough sleep, these cells react more slowly, greatly increasing the likelihood of a more serious sickness that knocks you out for several days.

Simply by getting enough sleep, you become much less likely to get sick in the first place. Even when you do get sick, your body will be better equipped to fight it off and recover quickly so you don’t have to spend days in bed.

4. Sharper Thinking

Getting enough sleep has been found to improve both concentration and cognitive function. During sleep, your brain processes memories and other information, helping you retain knowledge and abilities. When you’re well-rested, it is much easier to focus so you can learn new information or successfully complete important tasks at work or school. This also makes you less likely to get in an accident while driving or working.

When your mind already feels sharp and refreshed when you wake up in the morning, you’ll also be less likely to rely on cup after cup of coffee to stay alert during the day. Coffee’s high caffeine content means it can easily contribute to sleep troubles, particularly if you consume it during the late afternoon or evening. Reducing coffee consumption helps you avoid the vicious cycle of being kept up late and then not getting enough sleep to feel mentally awake the next morning.

5. Maintain a Healthy Weight

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Failure to get enough sleep can cause you to feel hungrier than you normally would because it throws certain hormones out of balance. Combined with a lack of energy for athletic activities, and poor sleep can easily contribute to unhealthy weight gain. With obesity being a leading risk factor for sleep apnea, putting on extra pounds can ultimately worsen your sleep quality.

Quality sleep helps your body repair muscles after working out so you can increase strength and endurance. Sleep also improves your reaction time, hand-eye coordination, and motivation. When you sleep well, you will perform better and be more motivated to hit the gym in the first place.

Start Sleeping Better!

If sleep apnea is keeping you from getting the rest you need, a CPAP machine could be the answer. By providing a steady flow of pressurized air throughout the night, these devices keep your airways from collapsing so you can enjoy uninterrupted sleep.

As you start to sleep soundly through the night (and get the recommended hours of sleep), you’ll begin to experience a remarkable change. You'll have more energy — both physically and mentally. You’ll be happier and less irritable. All of this can lead to improved performance at work or school, while also helping you enjoy higher-quality relationships with friends and family.

While investing in CPAP equipment can be expensive, No Insurance Medical Supplies is ready to help. With discounted prices on top-quality CPAP machines, as well as available financing to split your purchase into more affordable payments, the quality sleep you need is more accessible than you might think.

The power of great sleep can’t be beat.Take steps to sleep better now — your future self will thank you!


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