New to the world of sleep apnea and using a CPAP machine? If you have already started your therapy, then you will realize there are a few problems and moments of unavoidable discomfort. Who can relate? Other CPAP users! We gathered some of the most common problems users discussed and some helpful solutions as well. Check out the 5 biggest problems you will definitely encounter with CPAP.
5. Claustrophobic
Wearing a mask and an assortment of headgear to bed is nothing easy to get used to. Users often state they experienced bouts of overwhelming feelings during their first few weeks of therapy. Although the mask is supposed to help your breathing and feel liberating, it seems it can create an unwanted sensation of being trapped. Try using your CPAP throughout the day or during hour-long naps in order to develop a comfort to your new sleeping arrangement.
4. Forced Air Pressure
It is no surprise that anyone using a CPAP mask will feel bothered by the consistently forced pressure of air coming through the tubing directly into your airway. The forced air might create the sensation of trying to breathe while facing a fan - and when is that ever fun? Just like getting used to the equipment, you need to get used to the pressurized air by using a "ramp" feature, heated humidifiers and starting with a slower air flow and lowered pressure.
3. Noisy Machines
While newer models have been reinvented to be less noisy, there are some machines that still make a little fuss while operating. How are we supposed to sleep when the machine which should be aiding us is keeping us wide awake? Models like the DreamStation offer the silent treatment we have always wanted and we highly recommended. A perfect's night sleep isn't just a dream after all.
2. Skin Irritation
Unfortunately, wearing a mask so often can create a great deal of irritation to your skin. Users with sensitive skin reported that the masks frequently rubbing against them during their sleep or when putting it on and off created some minor redness or dryness to occur. The solution is quite simple: you can use any lotions or creams to ease the pain but their are official and medicated gels which prevent any possibility of skin issues when using your CPAP.
1. Removing Your Mask
The number one problem CPAP users complain about the most? Removing the masks in their sleep! Whether you are tossing or turning or unconsciously pull it off your face, it makes it harder to stick to your CPAP therapy. There are lots of reasons as to why we remove the mask, with most reporting it being nasal congestion. However, you can purchase a mask with more supportive gear or a chin strap in order to prevent this problem. Some CPAP users even set an alarm at night to wake up and check if the machine is still on and functioning properly.
Now that you know users biggest complaints, which problem is ailing you? If you haven't encountered any of these problems yet, count yourself lucky and share this article with some CPAP users you know who might need some CPAP saving!